About me
I am in my 12th year of administration and have worked in all grade levels (preschool Autism, K-5, 6-8, 9-12, post-secondary sped). I am currently the principal of Wilson High School, one of 4 alternative schools in our district, that has an independent study instructional model. My recent dissertation topic was focused on PBIS implementation at our alternative high school and the process it took for us to get it started in our unique setting. My presentation at the CCIS conference will focus on the students we serve, why we chose the PBIS/MTSS pathway, how we built our program, how has it been working, and where we are now in the process.
Google Slides link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yNGzFHH2sKANu0EomvDPBZ94KmMp1pWw8e2xytPJ06w/edit?usp=sharing